So here comes one of the hardest parts of living a healthy life, managing what you eat! Very few people eat "by the books" today; there's simply too much temptation from all the good, but unhealthy things around us. However, started doing a little trick that helps me watch what I eat and help maintain that healthy living.
I know many of you, like myself, would much rather have a big ol' cheese burger or some pizza for lunch than a boring salad. But, those veggies are all necessary aspects of our diets. All these healthy foods are necessary parts of our diets becuase of the vitamins and minerals they provide our bodies, so how can you get them with the life style you live? Take some multi-vitamins! Multi-vitamins are like a short cut. They provide the body with the essential daily vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy. Now, just because you take them doesn't mean you're 100% in the clear. Supplemental vitamins should in no way be seen as a complete substitute for a healthy life, they simply help those get nothing in their bodies at all.
So which vitamins should you take? There are literally thousands of options out there, and the best advice I can give is to simply go visit a local Vitamin Shop or GNC or Vitamin World or even one of the pharmacies at a Target or Wal Mart. All these places have professionals that can point you in the direction of which vitamins best support your life style. Someone like myself, an athlete, would take performance vitamins. These are different kinds of supplements in that they provide extra levels of certain vitamins and minerals that are used during hard work outs or extreme conditioning. Someone who is simply looking to help their body out a little bit don't need anything this extreme, a simply daily supplement such as One-A-Days will do. There are also multi-vitamins out there that specify for children, women, and men. Look into it, you have nothing to lose. You'll only be helping your body out that much more.
Want some more persuassion? Check this article I just found online! It'll make you want to run to the nearest pharmacy. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29958721/
Multi-vitamins are a simply, quick and easy way to help the body maintain itself. Clearly, the best possible solution to living a healthy life is to watch and regulate what you eat. Try and get at least one salad in each day. Try and eat a cup of fruit and vegetables. Anything you do will help your body that much more than not doing it at all. What I like to do is that I set maybe one or two days out of the week that I try my best to force myself to eat healthy. For breakfest I'll have a cup of yogurt and some fruit, for lunch I'll have some pasta, and for dinner I'll have some chicken and rice and some veggies; and if I ever get hungry and need a snack between meals I'll try and eat fruit or a salad. By having even a single day like this in a week you're improving your body and you're avoiding a whole days worth of unhealthy, junky food.
Just do what you can! Remember, no one is perfect. By trying and doing just a whole bunch of little things they'll all add up and do you so much good that you won't be able to believe it. It's easier to gradually ease into things rather than waking up one morning and trying to change your whole life around. So get out there, get your vitamins and minerals, get to walking, and watch what you eat. Anything you can do is better than doing nothing at all. Good luck, and have fun!
I know many of you, like myself, would much rather have a big ol' cheese burger or some pizza for lunch than a boring salad. But, those veggies are all necessary aspects of our diets. All these healthy foods are necessary parts of our diets becuase of the vitamins and minerals they provide our bodies, so how can you get them with the life style you live? Take some multi-vitamins! Multi-vitamins are like a short cut. They provide the body with the essential daily vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy. Now, just because you take them doesn't mean you're 100% in the clear. Supplemental vitamins should in no way be seen as a complete substitute for a healthy life, they simply help those get nothing in their bodies at all.
So which vitamins should you take? There are literally thousands of options out there, and the best advice I can give is to simply go visit a local Vitamin Shop or GNC or Vitamin World or even one of the pharmacies at a Target or Wal Mart. All these places have professionals that can point you in the direction of which vitamins best support your life style. Someone like myself, an athlete, would take performance vitamins. These are different kinds of supplements in that they provide extra levels of certain vitamins and minerals that are used during hard work outs or extreme conditioning. Someone who is simply looking to help their body out a little bit don't need anything this extreme, a simply daily supplement such as One-A-Days will do. There are also multi-vitamins out there that specify for children, women, and men. Look into it, you have nothing to lose. You'll only be helping your body out that much more.
Want some more persuassion? Check this article I just found online! It'll make you want to run to the nearest pharmacy. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29958721/
Multi-vitamins are a simply, quick and easy way to help the body maintain itself. Clearly, the best possible solution to living a healthy life is to watch and regulate what you eat. Try and get at least one salad in each day. Try and eat a cup of fruit and vegetables. Anything you do will help your body that much more than not doing it at all. What I like to do is that I set maybe one or two days out of the week that I try my best to force myself to eat healthy. For breakfest I'll have a cup of yogurt and some fruit, for lunch I'll have some pasta, and for dinner I'll have some chicken and rice and some veggies; and if I ever get hungry and need a snack between meals I'll try and eat fruit or a salad. By having even a single day like this in a week you're improving your body and you're avoiding a whole days worth of unhealthy, junky food.
Just do what you can! Remember, no one is perfect. By trying and doing just a whole bunch of little things they'll all add up and do you so much good that you won't be able to believe it. It's easier to gradually ease into things rather than waking up one morning and trying to change your whole life around. So get out there, get your vitamins and minerals, get to walking, and watch what you eat. Anything you can do is better than doing nothing at all. Good luck, and have fun!