So here comes one of the most challenging parts of maintaining a healthy life, vacations. It's spring break for us all, but that's no excuse to get off track from working out and being healthy. It's easy to understand how most people don't exactly plan on working out on their much deserved time off from school, so therefore the main objective here should just to do as much for yourself as possible; whether that be taking time to workout or simply watching what you eat. Whatever you can do will help.
So what can you do from where you are? Anything and everything! Luckily I, and I'm sure many of you went home for break. Going home is probably the easiest places one can go and maintain a healthy life style. At home you already know everything. You know all the possible runinng routes, you know the gyms, you know the food that is around, everything. Did you go to the beach for break? Even better! It's the best excuse to get outside, catch some sun, and get a great workout. Not to mention, the beach places usually offer some good old fashion healthy food. Go somewhere cold? Workout indoors! Find a gym somewhere close or in the hotel; and if worse comes to worse workout in the room. Do a quick ab workout, anything will do.
Overall, the most important thing one can do while on vacation is to not lose track of their goals and objectives. Vacations are everyone's weakness. I know when I come home all the true, real mexican food is just oh so tempting (and not to mention belly busting). I can't say that I resist completely, but when I do cave in I'm sure to take at least a 15 minute run to help burn some of it off. Everyone would much rather just take the week off, eat junky, and be lazy; but if you do that then getting back on track will be harder than ever. Now, I'm not saying to go out there and workout all day and all week long during your vacation, just something. Try not to snack between meals, do quick short workouts, and watch what you eat. Being smart is the best thing you can do while on vacation.
Alright everybody, so it's spring break. Get out there, have some fun, be safe, and be smart. Do your best to watch over self, but most importantly enjoy yourself. See you all when we get back!
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