Ok, so here we are; we've set our minds to live healthy. Now what? Where do we start? You can't exactly just go out there and start running miles upon miles and giving up all your favorite foods right off the back. First you've got to ease into things, moderation is the key. In order to change certain aspects of your life you have to do it slowly and most importantly intelligently. So, now that we've committed it's time to get started and from the basics for that matter.
First, and foremost, you HAVE to get active. You can't expect to have a healthy body just from sitting on your butt all day, you've got to get moving! Get outside, take a run, a jog, a walk, anything! Being active is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your body. By being active at least 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week you'll be doing your body so much good that you'll probably already start noticing some differences in little time. Changing one's diet is probably going to be the hardest part of healthy living, so by doing this simple task you can get started easily.
What can you do on campus to be active? Just about anything and everything! Some things that I personally like to do are hit the gym for an hour or so, or go running on the track, or even running on campus with a group of friends. Being on campus is probably one of the best places you can be in order to start living an active life. The gym is literally within walking distance, and not to mention the beautiful landscaping all around us. Take a quick run on the dirt track up by Coates Library or run through the neighborhoods. Just keep in mind that you don't have to kill yourself in order to be healthy, anything will do. Taking walks are painless and take almost no time out of one's schedule. Use it as a study or a work break, it'll be relaxing and you'll be benefitting yourself.
Also, keeping in mind that this can be tedious at times, one of the best things you can do is to take a friend or some music with you. By taking a friend with you you'll not only have company on your run, but you'll also be encouraging others to be active with you. Making workout dates and encouraging one another to stay dedicated is one of the best ways to stay dedicated to an active life. Also, music just makes the run that much better. Find the music that suites you though, some people like the hard rock to get pumped for their runs, others like mellow music that keeps them calm and relaxed. Everyone has their preferences, it's just a matter of finding your own.
So now we've established a starting point. Now it's time to start implementing it. Keep in mind that you shouldn't over due it at the beginning, ease into things. Start with some simple walks and jogs for about 30 minutes. After doing this for about a week or so you can start increasing the intesity, SLOWLY. Start doing longer runs or running harder, whatever you feel your body can handle at the time. So get out there people, start gettin active, before you know it you'll be a marathon running machine and feeling better than you've ever felt before. Good luck! And see you soon.
First, and foremost, you HAVE to get active. You can't expect to have a healthy body just from sitting on your butt all day, you've got to get moving! Get outside, take a run, a jog, a walk, anything! Being active is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your body. By being active at least 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week you'll be doing your body so much good that you'll probably already start noticing some differences in little time. Changing one's diet is probably going to be the hardest part of healthy living, so by doing this simple task you can get started easily.
What can you do on campus to be active? Just about anything and everything! Some things that I personally like to do are hit the gym for an hour or so, or go running on the track, or even running on campus with a group of friends. Being on campus is probably one of the best places you can be in order to start living an active life. The gym is literally within walking distance, and not to mention the beautiful landscaping all around us. Take a quick run on the dirt track up by Coates Library or run through the neighborhoods. Just keep in mind that you don't have to kill yourself in order to be healthy, anything will do. Taking walks are painless and take almost no time out of one's schedule. Use it as a study or a work break, it'll be relaxing and you'll be benefitting yourself.
Also, keeping in mind that this can be tedious at times, one of the best things you can do is to take a friend or some music with you. By taking a friend with you you'll not only have company on your run, but you'll also be encouraging others to be active with you. Making workout dates and encouraging one another to stay dedicated is one of the best ways to stay dedicated to an active life. Also, music just makes the run that much better. Find the music that suites you though, some people like the hard rock to get pumped for their runs, others like mellow music that keeps them calm and relaxed. Everyone has their preferences, it's just a matter of finding your own.
So now we've established a starting point. Now it's time to start implementing it. Keep in mind that you shouldn't over due it at the beginning, ease into things. Start with some simple walks and jogs for about 30 minutes. After doing this for about a week or so you can start increasing the intesity, SLOWLY. Start doing longer runs or running harder, whatever you feel your body can handle at the time. So get out there people, start gettin active, before you know it you'll be a marathon running machine and feeling better than you've ever felt before. Good luck! And see you soon.
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